Rentacar Dusseldorf

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Rent A Car Dusseldorf: Angebote im Preisvergleich

Über 2 Mio. Kunden
Unsere Kunden empfehlen uns mit 415.338 Bewertungen.

4,5 / 5

Stornieren kostenlos
Bis 24 Stunden vor Mietbeginn stornierst du kostenlos.
Beratung kostenlos
Unsere Mietwagen-Experten beraten dich gerne persönlich. Ruf uns einfach an.
Aktuelle Angebote

Unsere Mietwagen-Angebote für Düsseldorf

  • Premiumklasse

    • Enterpriseab 26 € /Tag
    • Rentalcarsab 41 € /Tag
    • AutoEuropeab 49 € /Tag
  • Kleinwagen

    • AutoEuropeab 14 € /Tag
    • Hertzab 19 € /Tag
    • Sunny Carsab 26 € /Tag
  • Mittelklasse

    • Enterpriseab 21 € /Tag
    • AutoEuropeab 22 € /Tag
    • Cars & Camperab 28 € /Tag

Die angezeigten Angebote und Preise basieren auf Suchergebnissen der letzten Tage für den oben angegebenen Ort. Da Preise von Mietdauer und Zeitraum abhängen, können die Preise, die dir nach einer Suche angezeigt werden, abweichen.


Das sagen unsere Kunden zu ihrer Mietwagenbuchung in Düsseldorf:

4.131 Kundenbewertungen

(Durchschnitt 90%)

  • 28.04.2024, 20:55:01 Uhr

    4,5 / 5

    Mietwagen in Düsseldorf

    einfache und praktische Abwicklung

    von Wolfgang W.

  • 28.04.2024, 20:36:44 Uhr

    4,0 / 5

    Mietwagen in Düsseldorf

    Alles einfach abgewickelt

    von Sevket E.

  • 19.04.2024, 20:53:19 Uhr

    4,0 / 5

    Mietwagen in Düsseldorf

    Hat soweit alles gepasst, manchmal ist es etwas unübersichtlich beim buchen

    von Michael P.

Deine Vorteile bei

  • Flexibilität dank kostenloser Stornierung bis 24 Stunden vor Anmietung
  • Mietwagen ohne Selbstbeteiligung
  • Kundenbewertungen und unabhängige Empfehlungen
  • Auswahl an Ausstattung wie Kindersitze und Winterreifen
  • Vergleich aller wichtigen Mietwagen-Anbieter
  • Mietwagen mit Langzeitmiete
  • Mietwagen auch für Fahrer unter 21 bzw. 25 möglich
  • Mietwagen-Gutschein einlösen
  • Alle Kosten transparent aufgeschlüsselt

Close to the borders of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg and wonderfully set upon the Rhine river, Dusseldorf is an excellent base to explore western Germany. Winner of the prestigious 2014 Traveller's Choice Award, there's much to see and do here. The historic old quarter, vibrant nightlife, modern architecture and a packed cultural calendar are all reasons to visit! And if you plan to visit nearby cities like Cologne, Bonn or Konigswinter, you can take your time and enjoy the scenery with a rental car.

The most important car rental sites in Dusseldorf

Whether for business or leisure, for an extended stay or a weekend break, visitors will love the cheap car rental Dusseldorf has to offer. Rent a car in Dusseldorf to make the most of western Germany, from the diverse cities along the Rhine to hiking and visiting wine country.

Rental Site


Main Opening Times*

Düsseldorf Airport

Flughafenstraße 120, 40474 Düsseldorf, Germany

00:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Düsseldorf Central Station

Konrad-Adenauer-Platz 14, 40210 Düsseldorf, Germany

07:00 a.m. - 08:00 p.m.

*Opening times may vary depending on the rental site so always refer to listing details. With some rental car sites, pick up and returns are possible outside the designated hours, for an extra charge. Rent a car in Dusseldorf to save time, energy and money while soaking in the city's many offerings.

Rent a car: Dusseldorf and its sights

  • Old Town Delights: Completely ravaged during WWII, today the Old Town nightly transforms into 'the world's longest bar,' with a lineup of over 250 pubs, brewing houses and cafes. While here, try 'Altbier,' a top-fermented, dark beer, Düsseldorfer Senfrostbraten (mustard roast pork), and the tasty Ähzezupp (pea soup). The Schneider-Wibbel-Gasse lane houses numerous Spanish-American and Latin American joints.

  • Burgplatz (Castle Square): This historic castle at the edge of the Old Town, on the river, houses an inland navigation museum, while its coffee shop offers sweeping views of the Rhine and passing ships. The castle square is one of the loveliest in Germany. Nearby is the St. Lambertus Basilika with its twisted tower, a beloved Dusseldorf institution that merits a visit.

  • Media Harbour: A shining example of old meets new, the Media Harbour today is home to slick hotels, restaurants, bars, coffee shops and discotheques. Nearby is the 240 m high Rhine Tower, with 360-degree city views.

  • Art and the City: Hire a car in Dusseldorf to navigate to its more than 100 museums and galleries throughout the city. High on every visitor's list are the Kunstakademie, Theatermuseum, Deutsches Keramikmuseum, Film Museum and the ethereal Palace of Illusions.

  • Events: Dusseldorf's carnival season, which begins with Weiberfastnacht (Women's Carnival Day), brings out residents in full force while the 'night of the museums' is taken very seriously in this artsy city. The annual Christmas market in the Old Town is an ambient affair with its twinkling lights, mulled wine and bratwurst. Kirmes, held every July, is a fun fair on the banks of the Rhine, which gets transformed by colourful Ferris wheels, roller coasters and friendly performance artists.

Getting around when you rent a car in Dusseldorf

Dusseldorf is served by the Düsseldorf International Airport, located 15 km away from the main train station. Cars can be rented from the airport, the railway station or downtown Dusseldorf. Local public transport consists of the bus, tramway and subway network, and most locations in Dusseldorf can be reached from here. Compared to the high-energy cities of Berlin and Frankfurt, driving here is a breeze, however, there are a few things to keep in mind. The old city centre with its narrow alleys, limited parking, one-way roads and pedestrian-only zones make driving less preferable to exploring it on foot. That said, once outside the centre, driving is a sheer pleasure. Make sure to stay within speed limits to avoid hefty fines. Using Germany's efficient highway system, the Autobahn, is recommended to avoid inner city traffic.

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